Sunday June 15, 2025 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
AcroYoga is a fun playful practice that invites you to look at the way you move totally different. Eric creates a beginner friendly, all inclusive, and safe environment to learn. We will cover specific drills that really connect us to our power. Then we get to see how power combined with ease create connection with our partner and form the pose. Most people leave inspired and empowered with a whole new curiousity on how to move about life.
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Eric Mamuzich

Eric has been leading workshops, classes and retreats all over the place for more then 10 years. These practices keep expanding the way he thinks and moves in the world. He is curious to see where they take him next. He has certifications in yoga , acro, coaching and men’s work... Read More →
Sunday June 15, 2025 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT

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