Saturday June 14, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT
Sacred Sound Waves with Kailin of Earth is an immersive sonic journey, weaving ancient and modern instruments into a seamless flow of healing vibrations. Ethereal hand pans, native flutes, rain discs, gongs, and singing bowls create deep, resonant waves that expand awareness and dissolve tension, while chimes and bells awaken clarity and intuition. Grounding drum rhythms reconnect you to the Earth, while a gentle guided meditation quiets the mind and opens the heart. Layered with angelic vocal toning, this experience invites you to surrender, heal, and realign with the natural rhythms within and around you.
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Kailin Bouse

Owner, Kailin of Earth
Kailin Bouse is an E-RYT 500 Hour Yoga and Meditation Instructor, Certified Sound Therapist and Reiki Master Teacher.Kailin offers workshops, classes, and services designed to reverse the symptoms of chronic stress, rebalance the nervous system, and reconnect you with your innate... Read More →
Saturday June 14, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT

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