Saturday June 14, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT
Hips & Harmony Deeply release tension in the hips to rejuvenate and find more ease in your hips and harmony throughout your entire body. If you sit a lot, tend to have tension in your hips, or are an athlete looking for a recovery class, Hips & Harmony is for you! And Happy Hips lead to a Happy Heart! This class is a moderate-level vinyasa inspired class. Participants will be guided through hip-opener asanas, with elements of breath & mindfulness infused throughout the class. Hands-on adjustments will be offered throughout this class!
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Rebecca Biagioli

I began exploring yoga in 2012 and immediately fell in love with the practice and its benefits, both physically and mentally. Since then, I have continued to deepen my practice through a variety of yoga styles, with a primary focus on Vinyasa yoga. The space, clarity, and freedom... Read More →
Saturday June 14, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT
Next to Lodge

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