Saturday June 14, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Inversions stimulate the nervous system, strengthen the upper body and challenge our mind - body connection. This workshop will break down 4 of the most common inversions in yoga practice and modifications for those inversions along with drills to work on them. The inversions of focus are wheel, chin stand, headstand, pinchamayurasana and handstand. Students of all levels are welcome, but you will be able to progress more if you are able to hold a crow pose for about 30 seconds.
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Ariel Valverde

I found yoga asana practice as a young adult in college in need of something to get me through general chemistry. When you start a yoga practice you find that it is no one series of actions, but rather the constant change and progression that is yoga. Essentially yoga, is a voyage... Read More →
Saturday June 14, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT

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